Polymer @ Google I/O 2018
Polymer 3.0 released, next-generation products unveiled.
Today has been a big day for the Polymer project!
Here at Google I/O, we released Polymer 3.0. In moving from HTML Imports to ES Modules and from Bower to npm, Polymer 3.0 takes a big step toward the mainstream JavaScript ecosystem, making it easier to use Polymer (and Polymer-based elements) with other popular libraries, frameworks and tools.
We also formally introduced three next-generation products, each of which is on the fast track to release:
LitElement is an ultra-light custom element base class with a simple but expressive API. If you’re starting a new project today, you should consider using LitElement.
PWA Starter Kit is a set of templates, docs and patterns to help you build top-notch, close-to-the-platform Progressive Web Apps. It’s designed to get you from zero to PWA in minutes, and to scale as your scope or your team grows.
The Material Web Components are pixel-perfect realizations of the UI controls in Google's Material Design spec, built in collaboration with the Material Design Components team. Because they’re native web components, they’ll work anywhere on the web, regardless of which front-end library or framework you use.
In case you weren’t able to join us in Mountain View or on the livestream, you can watch our I/O talks on YouTube: Kevin Schaaf and Steve Orvell gave a 30,000-foot view of the project and where we’re headed, while Monica Dinculescu unveiled PWA Starter Kit. For more details, you can also look back at our recent roadmap post.
We’re excited about the road ahead, and we’d love to hear what you think of Polymer 3.0 and the new products—come find us on Slack!